Dear Mrs. Ziegler,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing just to let you know what a life saver you have been for my sister these past few months.
To put it briefly, since their one and a half year old daughter went in for emergency brain surgery, things have not been “normal”. Running to doctors, chemotherapy scans and painstaking decisions – became the norm.
Now the child is over four בלע"ה and still undergoing intensive treatment, with side effects such as vomiting, nausea, sleeplessness and fatigue. She is sometimes too weak to walk, and must be held and carried around. It goes without saying that there is not much time and emotional energy to run a regular house- cooking, cleaning, laundry...etc. especially since the other three (young) children also need care.
Zichron Shlome Refuah Fund has been a tremendous help - with providing her the ability to receive proper help to maintain her house and giving her the peace of mind that her house is under control. You were very generous when we called you to help and we appreciate your willingness to continue helping my sister. We know of no other organization like yours – and you have a special z’chus because the assistance you provide is irreplaceable with anything else. You provided my sister with a measure of stability and calm when everything seemed to be caving in on her.
We hope and daven that her precious four year old should have a Refuah Shelaima, and that we should not have to take more from you. But for now, thanks a million!!!
Name withheld to protect my sister’s privacy
Best wishes!